Thursday, October 14, 2010

Top 10 reasons to present at Pecha Kucha SF

  1. Get the thrill of karaoke without exposing our horrible singing skills.
  2. For 6 minutes and 40 seconds, you will finally be listened to.
  3. Easiest way to amass a set of design groupies
  4. It's a great way to find like-minded geniuses like yourself
  5. Consider it less fatal than a jury of your peers plus there's beer!
  6. Prove you CAN do something pleasurable non-stop for 7 minutes.
  7. First step to your own reality TV show.
  8. Hang your brilliance out for that talent scout to see.
  9. Boost your google search results - a lot!
  10. You can be someone else's inspiration - you're more amazing than you think.
we are currently accepting new presenters. contact us at

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

PK - presenters & volunteers....who's 'in'?

Tonight, before a meeting for the 10/27 PK, we randomly met the organizer of Buenos Aires' PK events - 1,000 people/ mo.!! - great set-up. You want events that Big? Wanna help? We're looking for good presenters & volunteers!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pecha Kucha Time!

Get out your calendars - Pecha Kucha SF rides again, October 27th at 330 Ritch. Check back for more details as they develop - pass it on.

Team PK

Sunday, February 21, 2010

PKN-sf v37 Wavecast- Thank you, but...there's more

All who attended or tuned in to the PK-sf/ Global Pechakucha Night "WaveCast",

Thank you. You all made last night's 'little experiment' a terrific experience all around. We appreciate your support, interest patience and flexibility and hope you'll attend future PKNs - and make a presentation. One last request though,now please tell your friends about this latest experience of ours and send them to our PK-page to see what will now suddenly become a rather large collection of amazing presentations from around the world. If Tel Aviv can sell out a 2,000 person space 1-week in advance 6 times, now, all by using FB, Tweets and word-of-mouth, I conclude we're just not 'passing it on' enough. Now you've got a really good reason to do it. Think about contributing as an act of design. Wouldn't it be amazing to be a part of helping to lift Haiti out of their 2-centuries long 'Basket case of the Western Hemisphere' status once and for all?

In the coming weeks or so, look for a notice of your shows up on the website. Pass this link along to your friends or post it on your FB page or just RT with love.

Tell them to hit the blue bar of giving. You'll see the running tally of the contributions through PK-sf. We may have brought in roughly $5k from the door & drinks, but the real giving can get going.

Until next time,


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

PechaKucha Night fever

It only took seconds to destroy so many bright hopes and dreams in Haiti. The 280 city PechaKucha network is joining with Architecture for Humanity to help rebuild Haiti 20 seconds at a time. Join us around the the world on 20th February for Global PechaKucha Day for Haiti. 20 seconds, 20 images, 200 cities, 2000 presentations, 200,000 people - with the aim to raise $1,000,000 for rebuilding Haiti.

All proceeds go directly to Architecture for Humanity's Non-Profit organization and will be used for building facilities in Haiti.

Hosted by Paul Jamtgaard & Team PK-sf.

Join us to take the "Pecha Kucha" conversation and turn it into action and real IMPACT.

We need your help to get out the word and support this enormously important goal.

thanks, Team -PK-sf

for more info on this global event go to

Thursday, January 21, 2010

PKN-sf v37 Rebuild Haiti Benefit

If you're interested in presenting at the PKN + AFH for Rebuilding Haiti event on February 20th, we're still assembling the line-up. contact us at pechakucha.sf at



PKN-sf v37 - NOW February 20th - for good reason!

Hi everyone,

In the past few days since disaster struck in Haiti, we've been talking with Cameron Sinclair of Architecture for Humanity about how we at PK can help. Now, in coordination with PK cities around the world, we will in a big way. Shifting our already planned Feb 3rd event to the 20th will allow us to join as many as 200 other cities around the world to transform the global Pecha Kucha 'conversation' into real action. The line-up of presenters will be great. set aside some of that coffee money and "bring it"!

Hope the change doesn't muck-up your schedule, but it's important and we hope you'll get behind us in this endeavor. thanks for your continued support and we hope to see to on 02/20/10 - same place - Autodesk Gallery, One Market Street 2nd floor!

PJ of PK-sf

AFH's approach to rebuilding in Haiti:

Monday, January 18, 2010

PKN-sf v37 - "YET" Presenter spaces still available!

Happy New Year, Bay Area Pecha Kucha People.

You're invited to attend (and if the spirit moves you, to present whatever great ideas you've got to share at) our next Pecha Kucha Night,

Wednesday February 3rd at the Autodesk Gallery located at One Market street, downtown San Francisco.


Our theme this month is plump with anticipation of things hoped for and futures just over the horizon. Now a full decade into the 21st century, is it what you expected? What visions of this 21st century should be here by now? Without visions of what ought to be, how can we hope to get there? Join in and show us what our century should be about. Is it the future yet? Contact us below if you'd like to present. We need your help to make this another great show - now's your chance.

Hope you see you there! get the word out, let's kick off 2010 with a great show.

drinks @ 7:30

Also, you can follow our tweets @PechaKucha_SF for up to the minute updates....
Team -PK-sf