It only took seconds to destroy so many bright hopes and dreams in Haiti. The 280 city PechaKucha network is joining with Architecture for Humanity to help rebuild Haiti 20 seconds at a time. Join us around the the world on 20th February for Global PechaKucha Day for Haiti. 20 seconds, 20 images, 200 cities, 2000 presentations, 200,000 people - with the aim to raise $1,000,000 for rebuilding Haiti.
All proceeds go directly to Architecture for Humanity's Non-Profit organization and will be used for building facilities in Haiti.
Hosted by Paul Jamtgaard & Team PK-sf.
Join us to take the "Pecha Kucha" conversation and turn it into action and real IMPACT.
We need your help to get out the word and support this enormously important goal.
thanks, Team -PK-sf
- Cameron Sinclair, Co-Founder
- Erik Kneer SE LEED AP, Structural Engineer
- Kirk Bergstrom, Director
- Rob Bell, Designer/ Builder
- Chris K. Palmer, Designer デザイナー | Geometer 幾何学者 | Ornamentalist 装飾作家 | Folder フォルダー
- John Fung, Designer
- David Fletcher, Landscape Architect
- Joachim Muller Lance
- Rupa Chaturvedi
- UC Berkeley 200B architects:" ISLANDS DIRE PLASTIC GYRE"
- Lauren Stokes - traceuse
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