Saturday, September 10, 2011

PK-sf v47: How to build a Sustainable Future

Greetings SF Pecha Kucha people!

Hope y'all had a great summer! Now we're looking forward to it getting warm, finally. Coming up October 3rd, we will be stepping beyond the our usual focus on design to engage the bigger question facing the planet when we co-host our first event with both the Commonwealth Club of California* and Levi's. There's an excellent line-up coming together. The evening's format will be a bit new, tickets must be purchased on-line at the Commonwealth Club website:

October 3rd @ 6:00 PM
Levi's Auditorium, Levi's Plaza 1155 Battery St., San Francisco, CA

* "The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum. We bring over 400 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy to 15,000 members."

We hope you can make it! It'll be a whole scene, crowd, etc. & a good chance to see how sustainability is viewed from new and interesting perspectives.

Team PK-sf

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